
Selected from 200; 17 in Nature and Science journals

More than 200 papers have been published by the joint UAMS and CytoAstra team in the field of photoacoustics, photothermal imaging, nanomedicine, flow cytometry, and theranostics as an integration of detection and killing circulating tumor cells, bacteria, and parasites. This includes the publications in Nature and Science journals as well as other top level journals such as Science Translational Medicine, Nature Photonics, Nature Nanotechnology, Nature Communications, Scientific Reports as well as Cancer Research, PNAS, Small, and Nanoletters. Some of these publications are listed below.

Selected Publications:

  1. Jawad HJ, Yadem AC, Menyaev YA, Sarimollaoglu M, Armstrong JN, Watanabe F, Biris AS, Parikh SP, Stumhofer JS, Nedosekin DA, Suen JY, Zharov VP. Towards rainbow portable Cytophone with laser diodes for global disease diagnosis. Sci Rep 2022;12:867
  2. Han M, Watts JA, Jamshidi-Parsian A, Nadeem U, Siegel ER, Zharov VP, Galanzha EI. Lymph liquid biopsy for detection of cancer stem cells. Cytometry A. 2021 05; 99(5):496-502.
  3. Vogl TJ, Riegelbauer LJ, Oppermann E, Kostantin M, Ackermann H, Trzmiel A, Stein S, Eichler K, Zharov VP, Roy D, Schnitzbauer AA, Strücker B, Pascher A, Bechstein WO, Juratli MA. Early dynamic changes in circulating tumor cells and prognostic relevance following interventional radiological treatments in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. PLoS One. 2021; 16(2):e0246527.
  4. Han M, Watts JA, Jamshidi-Parsian A, Nadeem U, Sarimollaoglu M, Siegel ER, Zharov VP, Galanzha EI. In vivo lymphatic circulating tumor cells and progression of metastatic disease. Cancers. 2020 Oct 05; 12(10).
  5. Novoselova MV, Abakumova TO, Khlebtsov BN, Zatsepin TS, Lazareva EN, Tuchin VV, Zharov VP, Gorin DA, Galanzha EI. Optical clearing for photoacoustic lympho- and angiography beyond conventional depth limit in vivo. Photoacoustics. 2020 Dec; 20:100186.
  6. Harrington WN, Nolan J, Nedosekin DA, Smeltzer MS, Zharov VP. Real-Time monitoring of bacteria clearance from blood. Cytometry A. 2020 07; 97(7):706-712.
  7. Steenbergen W, Zharov VP. Towards reaching the total blood volume by in vivo flow cytometry and theranostics. Cytometry A. 2019 12; 95(12):1223-1225.
  8. Sindeeva OA, Verkhovskii RA, Sarimollaoglu M, Afanaseva GA, Fedonnikov AS, Osintsev EY, Kurochkina EN, Gorin DA, Deyev SM, Zharov VP, Galanzha EI. New frontiers in diagnosis and therapy of circulating tumor markers in cerebrospinal fluid In vitro and in vivo. Cells. 2019 10 02; 8(10).
  9. Harrington WN, Nolan J, Nedosekin DA, Smeltzer MS, Zharov VP. Real-Time monitoring of bacteria clearance from blood in a murine model. Cytometry A. 2020 07; 97(7):706-712.
  10. Galanzha EI, Menyaev YA, Yadem AC, Sarimollaoglu M, Juratli MA, Nedosekin DA, Foster SR, Jamshidi-Parsian, Siegel ER, Makhoul I, Hutchins LF, Suen JY, Zharov VP. In vivo liquid biopsy using Cytophone platform for photoacoustic detection of circulating tumor cells in patients with melanoma. Sci Transl Med. 2019 06 12;11(496).
  11. Nolan J, Nedosekin DA, Galanzha EI, Zharov VP. Detection of apoptotic circulating tumor cells using in vivo fluorescence flow cytometry. Cytometry A 2019 06; 95(6):664-671.
  12. Juratli MA, Menyaev YA, Sarimollaoglu M, Melerzanov AV, Nedosekin DA, Culp WC, Suen JY, Galanzha EI, Zharov VP. Noninvasive label-free detection of circulating white and red blood clots in deep vessels with a focused photoacoustic probe. Biomed Opt Express 2018 Nov 01; 9(11):5667-5677.
  13. Jawad HJ, Sarimollaoglu M, Biris AS, Zharov VP. Dynamic blood flow phantom with negative and positive photoacoustic contrasts. Biomed Opt Express 2018 Oct 01; 9(10):4702-4713.
  14. Tuchin VV, Zharov VP, Galanzha EI. Biophotonics for lymphatic theranostics in animals and humans. J Biophotonics 2018 08; 11(8):e201811001.
  15. Sarimollaoglu M, Stolarz AJ, Nedosekin DA, Garner BR, Fletcher TW, Galanzha EI, Rusch NJ, Zharov VP. High-speed microscopy for in vivo monitoring of lymph dynamics. J Biophotonics 2018 08; 11(8):e201700126.
  16. Jenkins SV, Nima ZA, Vang KB, Kannarpady G, Nedosekin DA, Zharov VP, Griffin RJ, Biris AS, Dings RPM. Triple-negative breast cancer targeting and killing by EpCAM-directed, plasmonically active nanodrug systems. NPJ Precis Oncol. 2017; 1(1):27
  17. Koonce NA, Juratli MA, Cai C, Sarimollaoglu M, Menyaev YA, Dent J, Quick CM, Dings RPM, Nedosekin D, Zharov V, Griffin RJ. Real-time monitoring of circulating tumor cell (CTC) release after nanodrug or tumor radiotherapy using in vivo flow cytometry. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2017 10 21; 492(3):507-512.
  18. Nima ZA, Alwbari AM, Dantuluri V, Hamzah RN, Sra N, Motwani P, Arnaoutakis K, Levy RA, Bohliqa AF, Nedosekin D, Zharov VP, Makhoul I, Biris AS. Targeting nano drug delivery to cancer cells using tunable, multi-layer, silver-decorated gold nanorods. J Appl Toxicol. 2017 Dec; 37(12):1370-1378.
  19. Darrigues E, Nima ZA, Majeed W, Vang-Dings KB, Dantuluri V, Biris AR, Zharov VP, Griffin RJ, Biris AS. Raman spectroscopy using plasmonic and carbon-based nanoparticles for cancer detection, diagnosis, and treatment guidance. Part 1: Diagnosis. Drug Metab Rev. 2017 05; 49(2):212-252.
  20. Galanzha EI, Weingold R, Nedosekin DA, Sarimollaoglu M, Nolan J, Harrington W, Kuchyanov AS, Parkhomenko RG, Watanabe F, Nima Z, Biris AS, Plekhanov AI, Stockman MI, Zharov VP. Spaser as a biological probe. Nat Commun. 2017; 8:15528.
  21. Nedosekin DA, Nolan J, Cai C, Bourdo SE, Nima Z, Biris AS, Zharov VP. In vivo noninvasive analysis of graphene nanomaterial pharmacokinetics using photoacoustic flow cytometry. J Appl Toxicol. 2017 Nov;37(11):1297-1304.
  22. Nedosekin DA, Fahmi T, Nima ZA, Nolan J, Cai C, Sarimollaoglu M, Dervishi E, Basnakian A, Biris AS, Zharov VP. Photoacoustic flow cytometry for nanomaterial research. Photoacoustics 2017 Jun; 6:16-25.
  23. Nolan J, Sarimollaoglu M, Nedosekin DA, Jamshidi-Parsian A, Galanzha EI, Kore RA, Griffin RJ, Zharov VP. In vivo flow Cytometry of circulating tumor-associated exosomes. Anal Cell Pathol (Amst). 2016; 2016:1628057.
  24. Cai C, Nedosekin DA, Menyaev YA, Sarimollaoglu M, Proskurnin MA, Zharov VP. Photoacoustic flow cytometry for single sickle cell detection In vitro and in vivo. Anal Cell Pathol (Amst). 2016; 2016:2642361.
  25. Menyaev YA, Carey KA, Nedosekin DA, Sarimollaoglu M, Galanzha EI, Stumhofer JS, Zharov VP. Preclinical photoacoustic models: application for ultrasensitive single cell malaria diagnosis in large vein and artery. Biomed Opt Express 2016 Sep 01; 7(9):3643-3658.
  26. Juratli MA, Menyaev YA, Sarimollaoglu M, Siegel ER, Nedosekin DA, Suen JY, Melerzanov AV, Juratli TA, Galanzha EI, Zharov VP. Real-time label-free embolus detection using In vivo photoacoustic flow cytometry. PLoS One 2016; 11(5):e0156269.
  27. Cai C, Carey KA, Nedosekin DA, Menyaev YA, Sarimollaoglu M, Galanzha EI, Stumhofer JS, Zharov VP. In vivo photoacoustic flow cytometry for early malaria diagnosis. Cytometry A 2016 06; 89(6):531-42.
  28. Galanzha EI, Viegas MG, Malinsky TI, Melerzanov AV, Juratli MA, Sarimollaoglu M, Nedosekin DA, Zharov VP. In vivo acoustic and photoacoustic focusing of circulating cells. Sci Rep. 2016 Mar 16; 6:21531.
  29. Juratli MA, Siegel ER, Nedosekin DA, Sarimollaoglu M, Jamshidi-Parsian A, Cai C, Menyaev YA, Suen JY, Galanzha EI, Zharov VP. In vivo long-term monitoring of circulating tumor cells fluctuation during medical interventions. PLoS One. 2015;  0(9):e0137613.
  30. Nima ZA, Mahmood M, Xu Y, Mustafa T, Watanabe F, Nedosekin DA, Juratli MA, Fahmi T, Galanzha EI, Nolan JP, Basnakian AG, Zharov VP, Biris AS. Circulating tumor cell identification by functionalized silver-gold nanorods with multicolor, super-enhanced SERS and photothermal resonances. Sci Rep. 2014 May 09; 4:4752.
  31. Nedosekin DA, Verkhusha VV, Melerzanov AV, Zharov VP, Galanzha EI. In vivo photoswitchable flow cytometry for direct tracking of single circulating tumor cells. Chem Biol. 2014 Jun 19; 21(6):792-801.
  32. Sarimollaoglu M, Nedosekin DA, Menyaev YA, Juratli MA, Zharov VP. Nonlinear photoacoustic signal amplification from single targets in absorption background. Photoacoustics 2014 Mar 01; 2(1):1-11.
  33. Juratli MA, Sarimollaoglu M, Nedosekin DA, Melerzanov AV, Zharov VP, Galanzha EI. Dynamic fluctuation of circulating tumor cells during cancer progression. Cancers 2014 Jan 15; 6(1):128-42. PMID: 24434542.
  34. Galanzha EI, Zharov VP. Circulating tumor cell detection and capture by photoacoustic flow cytometry in vivo and ex vivo. Cancers 2013 Dec 10; 5(4):1691-738.
  35. Juratli MA, Sarimollaoglu M, Siegel ER, Nedosekin DA, Galanzha EI, Suen JY, Zharov VP. Real-time monitoring of circulating tumor cell release during tumor manipulation using in vivo photoacoustic and fluorescent flow cytometry. Head Neck 2014 Aug; 36(8):1207-15.
  36. Menyaev YA, Nedosekin DA, Sarimollaoglu M, Juratli MA, Galanzha EI, Tuchin VV, Zharov VP. Optical clearing in photoacoustic flow cytometry. Biomed Opt Express2013; 4(12):3030-41.
  37. Galanzha EI, Nedosekin DA, Sarimollaoglu M, Orza AI, Biris AS, Verkhusha VV, Zharov VP. Photoacoustic and photothermal cytometry using photoswitchable proteins and nanoparticles with ultrasharp resonances. J Biophotonics 2015 Jan; 8(1-2):81-93.
  38. Nedosekin DA, Juratli MA, Sarimollaoglu M, Moore CL, Rusch NJ, Smeltzer MS, Zharov VP, Galanzha EI. Photoacoustic and photothermal detection of circulating tumor cells, bacteria and nanoparticles in cerebrospinal fluid in vivo and ex vivo. J Biophotonics 2013 Jun; 6(6-7):523-33. PMID: 23681943.
  39. Kim JW, Galanzha EI, Zaharoff DA, Griffin RJ, Zharov VP. Nanotheranostics of circulating tumor cells, infections and other pathological features in vivo. Mol Pharm. 2013 Mar 04; 10(3):813-30. .
  40. Shao J, Griffin RJ, Galanzha EI, Kim JW, Koonce N, Webber J, Mustafa T, Biris AS, Nedosekin DA, Zharov VP. Photothermal nanodrugs: potential of TNF-gold nanospheres for cancer theranostics. Sci Rep. 2013; 3:1293.
  41. Galanzha EI, Shashkov E, Sarimollaoglu M, Beenken KE, Basnakian AG, Shirtliff ME, Kim JW, Smeltzer MS, Zharov VP. In vivo magnetic enrichment, photoacoustic diagnosis, and photothermal purging of infected blood using multifunctional gold and magnetic nanoparticles. PLoS One 2012; 7(9):e45557. .
  42. Nedosekin DA, Sarimollaoglu M, Galanzha EI, Sawant R, Torchilin VP, Verkhusha VV, Ma J, Frank MH, Biris AS, Zharov VP. Synergy of photoacoustic and fluorescence flow cytometry of circulating cells with negative and positive contrasts. J Biophotonics 2013 May; 6(5):425-34.
  43. Galanzha EI, Zharov VP. Photoacoustic flow cytometry. Methods 2012 Jul; 57(3):280-96.
  44. Sarimollaoglu M, Nedosekin DA, Simanovsky Y, Galanzha EI, Zharov VP. In vivo photoacoustic time-of-flight velocity measurement of single cells and nanoparticles. Opt Lett. 2011 Oct 15; 36(20):4086-8.
  45. Tuchin VV, Tárnok A, Zharov VP. In vivo flow cytometry: a horizon of opportunities. Cytometry A. 2011 Oct; 79(10):737-45.
  46. Proskurnin MA, Zhidkova TV, Volkov DS, Sarimollaoglu M, Galanzha EI, Mock D, Nedosekin DA, Zharov VP. In vivo multispectral photoacoustic and photothermal flow cytometry with multicolor dyes: a potential for real-time assessment of circulation, dye-cell interaction, and blood volume. Cytometry A 2011 Oct; 79(10):834-47.
  47. de la Zerda A, Kim JW, Galanzha EI, Gambhir SS, Zharov VP. Advanced contrast nanoagents for photoacoustic molecular imaging, cytometry, blood test and photothermal theranostics. Contrast Media Mol Imaging. 2011 Sep-Oct; 6(5):346-69. .
  48. Galanzha EI, Zharov VP. In vivo photoacoustic and photothermal cytometry for monitoring multiple blood rheology parameters. Cytometry A 2011 Oct; 79(10):746-57.
  49. Galanzha EI, Sarimollaoglu M, Nedosekin DA, Keyrouz SG, Mehta JL, Zharov VP. In vivo flow cytometry of circulating clots using negative photothermal and photoacoustic contrasts. Cytometry A 2011 Oct; 79(10):814-24.
  50. Nedosekin DA, Sarimollaoglu M, Ye JH, Galanzha EI, Zharov VP. In vivo ultra-fast photoacoustic flow cytometry of circulating human melanoma cells using near-infrared high-pulse rate lasers. Cytometry A 2011 Oct; 79(10):825-33.
  51. Zharov VP. Ultrasharp nonlinear photothermal and photoacoustic resonances and holes beyond the spectral limit. Nat Photonics 2011 Feb; 5(2):110-116.
  52. Nedosekin DA, Shashkov EV, Galanzha EI, Hennings L, Zharov VP. Photothermal multispectral image cytometry for quantitative histology of nanoparticles and micrometastasis in intact, stained and selectively burned tissues. Cytometry A 2010 Nov; 77(11):1049-58.
  53. Pustovalov VK, Astafyeva LG, Galanzha E, Zharov VP. Thermo-optical analysis and selection of the properties of absorbing nanoparticles for laser applications in cancer nanotechnology. Cancer Nanotechnol. 2010; 1(1-6):35-46.
  54. Nedosekin DA, Sarimollaoglu M, Shashkov EV, Galanzha EI, Zharov VP. Ultra-fast photoacoustic flow cytometry with a 0.5 MHz pulse repetition rate nanosecond laser. Opt Express 2010 Apr 12; 18(8):8605-20.
  55. Shashkov EV, Galanzha EI, Zharov VP. Photothermal and photoacoustic Raman cytometry in vitro and in vivo. Opt Express 2010 Mar 29; 18(7):6929-44.
  56. Mahmood M, Karmakar A, Fejleh A, Mocan T, Iancu C, Mocan L, Iancu DT, Xu Y, Dervishi E, Li Z, Biris AR, Agarwal R, Ali N, Galanzha EI, Biris AS, Zharov VP. Synergistic enhancement of cancer therapy using a combination of carbon nanotubes and anti-tumor drug. Nanomedicine (Lond). 2009 Dec; 4(8):883-93.
  57. Galanzha EI, Kim JW, Zharov VP. Nanotechnology-based molecular photoacoustic and photothermal flow cytometry platform for in-vivo detection and killing of circulating cancer stem cells. J Biophotonics 2009 Dec; 2(12):725-35.
  58. Galanzha EI, Shashkov EV, Kelly T, Kim JW, Yang L, Zharov VP. In vivo magnetic enrichment and multiplex photoacoustic detection of circulating tumour cells. Nat Nanotechnol. 2009 Dec; 4(12):855-60.
  59. Galanzha EI, Shashkov EV, Spring PM, Suen JY, Zharov VP. In vivo, noninvasive, label-free detection and eradication of circulating metastatic melanoma cells using two-color photoacoustic flow cytometry with a diode laser. Cancer Res. 2009 Oct 15; 69(20):7926-34. PMID: 19826056.
  60. Tuchin VV, Tárnok A, Zharov VP. Towards in vivo flow cytometry. J Biophotonics 2009 Sep; 2(8-9):457-8.
  61. Tanev S, Sun W, Pond J, Tuchin VV, Zharov VP. Flow cytometry with gold nanoparticles and their clusters as scattering contrast agents: FDTD simulation of light-cell interaction. J Biophotonics 2009 Sep; 2(8-9):505-20.
  62. Kim JW, Galanzha EI, Shashkov EV, Moon HM, Zharov VP. Golden carbon nanotubes as multimodal photoacoustic and photothermal high-contrast molecular agents. Nat Nanotechnol. 2009 Oct; 4(10):688-94.
  63. Galanzha EI, Kokoska MS, Shashkov EV, Kim JW, Tuchin VV, Zharov VP. In vivo fiber-based multicolor photoacoustic detection and photothermal purging of metastasis in sentinel lymph nodes targeted by nanoparticles. J Biophotonics 2009 Sep; 2(8-9):528-39.
  64. Biris AS, Galanzha EI, Li Z, Mahmood M, Xu Y, Zharov VP. In vivo Raman flow cytometry for real-time detection of carbon nanotube kinetics in lymph, blood, and tissues. J Biomed Opt. 2009 Mar-Apr; 14(2):021006.
  65. Galanzha EI, Shashkov EV, Tuchin VV, Zharov VP. In vivo multispectral, multiparameter, photoacoustic lymph flow cytometry with natural cell focusing, label-free detection and multicolor nanoparticle probes. Cytometry A 2008 Oct; 73(10):884-94.
  66. Zharov VP, Galanzha EI, Shashkov EV, Kim JW, Khlebtsov NG, Tuchin VV. Photoacoustic flow cytometry: principle and application for real-time detection of circulating single nanoparticles, pathogens, and contrast dyes in vivo. J Biomed Opt. 2007 Sep-Oct; 12(5):051503.
  67. Zharov VP, Galanzha EI, Tuchin VV. Photothermal flow cytometry for detection and imaging of individual moving cells. Cytometry A. 2007 Apr; 71(4):191-206. PMID: 17323354.
  68. Galanzha EI, Tuchin VV, Zharov VP. Advances in small animal mesentery models for in vivo flow cytometry, dynamic microscopy, and drug screening. World J Gastroenterol. 2007 Jan 14; 13(2):192-218.
  69. Zharov VP, Galanzha EI, Shashkov EV, Khlebtsov NG, Tuchin VV. In vivo photoacoustic flow cytometry for monitoring of circulating single cancer cells and contrast agents. Opt Lett. 2006 Dec 15; 31(24):3623-5.
  70. Applications in nanomedicine. Nanomedicine 2006 Sep; 2(3):200-6.
  71. Zharov VP, Galanzha EI, Menyaev Y, Tuchin VV. In vivo high-speed imaging of individual cells in fast blood flow. J Biomed Opt. 2006 Sep-Oct; 11(5):054034.
  72. Everts M, Saini V, Leddon JL, Kok RJ, Stoff-Khalili M, Preuss MA, Millican CL, Perkins G, Brown JM, Bagaria H, Nikles DE, Johnson DT, Zharov VP, Curiel DT. Covalently linked Au nanoparticles to a viral vector: potential for combined photothermal and gene cancer therapy. Nano Lett. 2006 Apr; 6(4):587-91.
  73. Zharov VP, Galanzha EI, Tuchin VV. In vivo photothermal flow cytometry: imaging and detection of individual cells in blood and lymph flow. J Cell Biochem. 2006 Apr 01; 97(5):916-32.
  74. Galanzha EI, Tuchin VV, Zharov VP. In vivo integrated flow image cytometry and lymph/blood vessels dynamic microscopy. J Biomed Opt. 2005 Sep-Oct; 10(5):054018.
  75. Zharov VP, Galanzha EI, Tuchin VV. Integrated photothermal flow cytometry in vivo. J Biomed Opt. 2005 Sep-Oct; 10(5):051502. .
  76. Zharov VP, Galanzha EI, Tuchin VV. Photothermal image flow cytometry in vivo. Opt Lett. 2005 Mar 15; 30(6):628-30.
  77. Kalchenko V, Harmelin A, Fine I, Zharov V, Galanzha E, Valery Tuchin V. Advances in intravital microscopy for monitoring cell flow dynamics in vivo. Proc. SPIE, 2007; 6436: 64360D.
  78. Galanzha EI, Tuchin VV, Brock RW, Zharov VP. In vivo flow cytometry and time-resolved near-IR angiography and lymphography. Proc. SPIE, 2007; 6535: 6535OK.
  79. Zharov VP, Galanzha EI, Ferguson S, Tuchin VV. Confocal photothermal flow cytometry in vivo. Proc. SPIE 2005; 5697:15-26.
  80. Zharov V, Galanzha E, Tuchin V. Photothermal imaging of moving cells in lymph and blood flow in vivo. Proc SPIE 2004; 5320-26: 106-109.